The Washington Post: 6 Reasons Your Teen’s Life Is More Stressful Than Your Own

At Xceed we have flexible schedules and individual learning plans because we understand the importance of sleep and flexibility for our students.

The Washington Post article titled 6 Reasons Your Teen’s Life Is More Stressful Than Your Own goes into detail about the stressors teens are facing today in traditional high schools and middle schools.

Teenage sleep deprivation is real. “Sending kids to school at 7 a.m. is the equivalent of sending an adult to work at 4 in the morning.” — William Dement, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University. According to a study carried out by Brown University School of Medicine, ninth- and tenth-grade students should get nine hours of sleep each night to maintain optimal alertness. However, after surveying 3,000 high school students, researchers found that, on average, students managed only about 7.5 hours of sleep on a school night.”

“Teens’ lives are not their own. In traditional schooling, many aspects of a student’s life are decided for them – from what subjects they study to what they wear at school and what schedules they follow. This lack of control can lead to stress. Adults have the autonomy to do as they please, but if teenagers try, it is called rebellion.”

To learn more about the reasons your teenager is stressed and how to help them read the full Washington Post article.