Embracing the Future: Celebrating Xceed’s High School Seniors at the Kendall Campus

For high school seniors at Xceed, graduation is the culmination of years of personalized learning, close-knit friendships, and unique experiences had.

Xceed offers an educational experience tailored to individual needs, where teachers know students by name and the small class sizes foster close relationships and more focused learning.

This connection between educators and students is evident in the stories of this year’s graduates. Christian’s parents thought it would be a good change for him. He reflects on the impact of Xceed, saying, “It’s been a good change—I made friends, and the teachers are really nice.”

Francisco wasn’t getting the help he needed at his previous public school, but Xceed changed that for him. “Here, I can get support whenever I need it,” he shares. “That’s made a huge difference—I’ve been able to finish my work on time and get better grades.”

Flexibility is a key aspect of the Xceed experience. Ronny finds it especially helpful. “I like the flexibility with time, and the teachers here are great,” he explains. “It gives me more time to work on achieving my goals.”

Graduation is a celebration of achievements and hard work, and each student’s journey is unique. Kaylee, a high GPA and honor roll student, credits Xceed’s flexibility for her success. “What I love about Xceed is the flexibility to choose and take extra classes that I’m interested in,” she says.

For many students, Xceed’s flexibility was vital. “I chose this school because you get to work more independently, and this approach helped me graduate from high school,” says Giacomo. He plans to attend Miami Dade College after graduation.

The support from teachers also makes a significant impact. Razeah notes, “I’d tell others that Xceed isn’t a traditional school—you’ll be expected to work hard toward success, but they’ll give you the support you need to achieve it.”

Katherine’s transition to Xceed helped her gain independence. “I decided to transfer to Xceed for a better education. It’s helped me become more responsible with my studies,” she says. Nicholas echoes this sentiment, noting, “I chose this school because I wanted to work at my own pace, and it’s really helped me bring my grades up.”

Christopher enrolled because he wanted to work at his own pace, free from a rigid structure. “The teachers are always willing to help with any questions or concerns I have,” he notes. Amanda found Xceed to be a supportive environment for her mental health, saying, “Xceed has been great for my mental health. I’m planning to attend FIU after graduation.”

Matthew, another student who values flexibility, finds it beneficial for his lifestyle. “I like the flexibility here—it allows me to complete assignments at my own pace” he says. If you’re more of an independent learner, Xceed is definitely a good choice.

The ability to focus on specific interests is also a draw. Clara enjoys the freedom to prioritize her studies, saying, “I really like that I can focus my time on the classes that need it most.” Isabella appreciates the support from her teachers, explaining, “My GPA improved a lot, and I appreciated that the teachers were very persistent and genuinely cared about helping me understand the material.”

The small, quiet setting is a key advantage for many students, including Julian. “My favorite part about Xceed is how quiet it is, which allows me to work efficiently every day,” he says. This setup also helped him transition from a home-school environment to a more physical, in-person setting.

Sabrina values the flexibility and support she received at Xceed, noting, “Xceed taught me how to be wise with my time, which is important in everything you do.” With her success, she plans to go to art school in Chicago, where she’s received a Dean’s scholarship for $20,000.

Lizmeilyn appreciates the supportive staff, particularly her teacher Mrs. Duarte. “My favorite part of Xceed is my teacher Mrs. Duarte—she’s been really helpful and encouraging,” she shares.

Luis highlights the sports-friendly environment at Xceed, saying, “I chose this school because it allows me to focus on sports. I appreciate the freedom we have, which gives me more time to work on my golf game.” He advises that independence is key in this flexible setting.

Finally, Annette speaks to the positive impact of Xceed on her life. “Xceed helped me achieve the scores I needed to raise my GPA, and it’s also improved my mental health because of how the school functions.” Natalie agrees, emphasizing the caring environment, adding, “This school truly makes a difference—you have teachers who care about each student individually, there’s no bullying, and the entire school is very goal-oriented while remaining flexible.”

As we celebrate the class of 2024’s achievements, we wish them all the best on their journey ahead, whether they’re heading to college, pursuing careers, or exploring new paths.